Cathedral of St. Andrew

The Oldest Place of Continuing Worship in the City of Little Rock

Cathedral of Saint Andrew

The Oldest Place of Continuing Worship in the City of Little Rock

Bereavement Meal Ministry

"So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you." (John 16:22, RSV2CE)

The Bereavement Meal Ministry is designed to provide a meal for the bereaved following a Funeral Mass or Memorial Service. Ministry members are called upon to provide various meal items—usually salads, side dishes, and desserts. The Cathedral parish provides the main course of the meal and drinks. Ministry members are also invited to assist with serving the meal, set-up, and light clean-up. Those who do not cook can bring store-bought items or assist in set-up and clean-up. Dishes can be dropped off prior to each event.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Joan Brush, 501-864-6497, or

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