Cathedral of St. Andrew

The Oldest Place of Continuing Worship in the City of Little Rock

Linen Committee

One of the oldest ministries in any Catholic Church...

This could be described as one of the oldest ministries in any Catholic Church. There has long been a need for the linens used on the Altar, and for all the Sacraments including the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass, to be cleaned after use. Historically volunteers have cared for the precious linens, keeping them clean and in good condition, and even hand stitching the beautifully elaborate and liturgically significant designs on them.

This committee does NOT stitch and sew any longer, but we do keep our linens cleaned and organized. This small committee takes turns each week picking up the soiled linens from the Sacristy after Mass, soaking, laundering and ironing them, and returning them to the Sacristy drawers the following weekend. This is a very quiet and sweet ministry. You are never 'out front', but are indeed an integral part of the maintenance and support of our Church for each and every Mass and other Sacraments.

As a new member of this ministry, you would be personally trained by another member. This is so simple that one quick meeting after a Mass, an instruction sheet, and a clean sample to use as an example is all that is necessary. Bless you for considering this ministry!

Contact Information

Tracy Rios

Linen Committee

(501) 374-2794

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