Cathedral of St. Andrew

The Oldest Place of Continuing Worship in the City of Little Rock

I'm New Here

Welcome to Cathedral of St. Andrew!

If you are a visitor to the Cathedral of St. Andrew, we want you to know how welcome you are, whether you have come from across the world, from another part of the country, or from another parish here in the city or state. We invite you to join us for Mass, Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, and participation in our many ministries.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I worship with you?

Our Mass Schedule can be found here:

Mass Schedule

When is Confession?

Our Confession schedule can be found here with the Mass schedule:

Mass Schedule

Where are you located?

We are located on the intersection of the 7th and Louisiana St, with McDonald Hall being located down Louisiana at the intersection with 6th St.

Where can I park?

You may park in the parking space just across the street from the Cathedral and McDonald Hall premises. There will be signs saying you need to pay a certain amount for parking in that space—you need not worry about these, as the City of Little Rock allows parishioners attending Cathedral services to park there for free.

What is the dress code?

As the Mass is the worship of God, nothing we wear ought to aim at being distracting or draw overt attention our way. A reliable rule of thumb, whether at Mass or a similar event, is to aim for modesty, whether traditional (suit, tie, Sunday dress) or modern (Sunday best attire according to the style of clothing you normally wear).

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." (1 Corinthians 6:19-20 RSVCE)

Where do my children go?

We encourage you to bring you children with you to attend Masses; doing so not only strengthens the family unit, but it allows you to pass down your Catholic faith generationally in the presence of Jesus Christ.  If you find that your child is too disruptive, you may move to the vestibule area or hallways outside of the Cathedral sanctuary at your discretion.

I'm not Catholic. How do I know when to sit, stand, and kneel?

If you wish to receive guidance on how to do so, please ask one of our ushers if they can help you find someone you can sit with to guide you. You may stand, sit, and kneel as you are able. Though non-Catholics may be opt to sit, we would encourage them to stand to honor the Gospel and kneel to honor the presence of Christ.

I'm not Catholic. Is it okay for me to participate in communion?

In accordance with Catholic tradition, we do not allow non-Catholics (who may not share the same view of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist) to partake in Holy Communion. However, you may come up to the priest or other Eucharistic minister to receive a blessing, as well as pray in reverence during the Communion Rite.

Am I expected to put money in the offering?

Not being a new member here yet, you are not expected to do so, but you are encouraged to do so if you wish to support some specific cause. If you are a practicing Catholic, you are called to tithe, as the Lord instructs us in Scripture and through the Church, some small percentage of your income to the Church, charities, other causes, etc.

Have a Question We Didn't Answer?

That's okay, you can contact us anytime with questions and we'll be happy to answer them!

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