Cathedral of St. Andrew

The Oldest Place of Continuing Worship in the City of Little Rock

Respect Life Committee

Educate and promote respect for all life...

The Respect Life Committee helps to coordinate efforts at the parish level to educate and promote respect for all life, especially the unborn. Respect Life issues include abortion, post-abortion healing, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research and IVF/reproductive technology. It seeks to promote parish, local and state-wide Respect Life events, and works with the diocesan Respect Life Director. Activities include support for ongoing prayer at the local abortion clinic, participation in 40 Days for Life campaigns and Life Chain, providing speakers for parish events, participation in the Annual March for Life and Mass for Life in January and more.

Contact Information

Diane Moellers / Shawn Hallman

Respect Life Committee

(501) 374-2794


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